Excursion to the hemp farm and fish processing plant
Group excursion to the facilities for hemp processing and fish processing.
When they hear the word hemp, many people think of drugs. However, hemp is not fundamentally a narcotic, but a medicinal and textile crop with versatile uses.
Fish that are bred in South Bohemian ponds in the Písek and Blatná regions are processed at the Blatenská ryba plant in Blatná. Here you can see how fish fillets, smoked delicacies or other famous products (which are more popular with our neighbours in Austria or Germany than in the Czech Republic) are made.
- Arranging an excursion to the plant.
- Possibility of another program – visit to Blatná chateau and Orlík castle.
- Can be conveniently combined with an excursion to the Labuť brewery in Zvíkovské Podhradí or to a liqueur factory in Blatná
- Hemp Processing Plant: www.ekonopi.cz
- Blatenská ryba: www.blatenskaryba.cz
The price per person in groups of 20 or more people is around 120 CZK.
Tourist region: Písek-Blatná region
Píseckem, s.r.o.
Karlova 108/3, 397 01 Písek
Phone: +420 737 506 950
E-mail: slavik@piseckem.cz ; pisecko@email.cz
Web: www.piseckem.cz